In constant and perpetual research to develop new materials and thus meet your needs, FERRY-CAPITAIN constantly innovates in the optimization of design and the development of specific materials and patent filing as FerryNod®.
The R&D department is made up of engineers and technicians who are committed to developing new solutions for all the players in the equipment sector and who collaborate with renowned technical centers both in France and abroad.
FERRY-CAPITAIN also works closely with suppliers in order to be among the first to test the latest developments issued on the market.
FERRY-CAPITAIN actively participates in various standardization committees, including ECISS/TC31 for cast steel, CENT/TC190 for spheroidal cast iron, and AGMA for crown gears.
The R&D department can be contacted at any time for the definition of a prototype on a reduced scale, for example, or the development of a particular product concerning both casting and mechanics.
Recently, FERRY-CAPITAIN has acquired a 3D printer, a tool which allows either development with our customers to visualise a project before casting a prototype, or to develop our processes and produce a print which replaces parts of models.