
Recognized and certified skills

The CIF Group is one of the first groups to be certified ISO 9001 in multisites, version 2015, by the LRQA.

The  policy of Groupe CIF is to place respect for people at the center of our concerns and it is in this spirit that we develop our activities in an ethical and responsible manner, by offering healthy and safe workplaces on a daily basis at all our sites. In this respect, you can consult the CIF GROUP QHSEE POLICY 2020, as well as the QHSEE FC POLICY 2020, , which detail all our commitments.

Thecontinuous improvement of our performance in the fields of quality, safety, environment and energy management coordinates our industrial activities and it is in this spirit that we also invite all of our service providers and contractors to become stakeholders in this process at all of our sites.


Nous cherchons à intégrer la 

Sécurité au quotidien à partir d’une évaluation permanente des risques. C’est d’ailleurs le thème à l’honneur pour 2019 au sein du Groupe.
We are conducting reflections and actions in a preventive approach.
We are trying to improve and provide the necessary means to prevent risks.
We aim to comply with current regulations and to constantly reduce the level of exposure to risks.

Thus, our prevention actions are focused on:

  • risk awareness
  • risk assessment and analysis
  • the implementation of improvement actions and their follow-ups
  • compliance with good practices aimed at ensuring the level of efficiency and compliance







We adapt our tools and methods in order to prevent any nuisance, particularly in terms of:

  • waste management
  • prevention of atmospheric releases
  • water discharge and pollution control

We make each of our employees responsible for the environment through communication, motivation and training.

Today, the fight against air and water pollution, the limitation of noise pollution and the management of waste are increasingly based on the reduction of impacts at the source through the use of clean and sober techniques, but when necessary, end-of-pipe treatments come to correct the unwanted effects.


Dans le cadre de l’égalité professionnelle, la loi demande aux entreprises de diffuser le résultat de l’index égalité hommes-femmes, calculé à partir de différents indicateurs.

The criteria imposed by law for companies with more than 250 employees are the following:

1-L’écart de rémunération entre les femmes et les hommes, calculé à partir de la moyenne de la rémunération des femmes comparée à celle des hommes, par tranche d’âge et par catégorie de postes équivalents.

  1. L’écart de taux d’augmentations individuelles de salaire ne correspondant pas à des promotions entre les femmes et les hommes.
  2. L’écart de taux de promotions entre les femmes et les hommes.
  3. Le pourcentage de salariées ayant bénéficié d’une augmentation dans l’année de leur retour de congé de maternité, si des augmentations sont intervenues au cours de la période pendant laquelle le congé a été pris.
  4. Le nombre de salariés du sexe sous-représenté parmi les 10 salariés ayant perçu les plus hautes rémunérations.

The results of the index calculations do not allow us to determine a score out of 100 for FERRY-CAPITAIN.